Stage lopen bij Z-Studio, net als Ida?
Stage lopen bij Z-Studio, net als Ida?

Afgelopen halfjaar heeft Ida stage bij ons gelopen in combinatie met de stage die ze liep bij onze klant MediaLab. Lees hieronder hoe zij haar tijd samen met ons ervaren heeft!
For the past few months, I had the enormous pleasure of working at Z-Studio as an intern. I wanted to gain experience with work in PR and Communications and I couldn’t have been luckier than to learn from Lotte and Bregte at Z-Studio. They have an international client base and several interesting projects. I was enticed into their cozy studio by the unlimited amount of coffee and coke (Coca Cola Zero).
During this time, I have learned a lot about marketing, partnerships, content creation, and a handful of random Dutch words that I still cannot pronounce correctly.
Lotte has such a contagious positive energy that makes the office such a fun and comfortable environment to work in – it makes getting up in the morning and traveling to the office worth it. She has a great passion for her business which is truly inspiring. She is one of the hardest workers I know, and also a master at guessing songs from the 90s.
Bregte is the best mentor I could’ve asked for, she has unlimited patience and became my Dutch interpreter from day 1. In addition to providing me with feedback, she assigned me several interesting tasks. From translating to Excel sheets to making her coffee, I feel like I can do it all now.
Having worked at Z-Studio, I have learned how crucial it is to maintain a close client relationship and to provide an exclusive, personal experience to clients. As well as the delicious warm lunches from the office cafeteria, I will forever treasure the experience and knowledge I gained.
Lijkt het jou ook leuk om net als Ida stage bij ons te lopen? Neem dan contact met ons op voor de mogelijkheden!